The Mahaska County Sheriff’s Office patrols the 573 square miles within Mahaska County and is the chief law enforcement agency for Mahaska County, Iowa.
The Fire Department provides emergency response services to residents within the city limits of Oskaloosa, Beacon, University Park and Keomah Village. We also cover all or part of Madison, Adams, Scott, Garfield, Lincoln, Spring Creek, Jefferson, and Harrison Townships, within Mahaska County. These services include:
Fire prevention
Fire response
Hazardous materials
Rescue operations
The City of Oskaloosa Police Department has 17 full-time officers and two civilian staff who provide public safety services to the residents of Oskaloosa. The Department uses bicycle, foot and vehicle patrol to provide public safety services to the city's 11,525 residents, across 7.98 square miles.
The mission of the New Sharon Police Department is to work in partnership with the citizens of the community to improve the overall quality of life. The New Sharon Police Department believes that working through open communication with the citizens of this community will make it a great place to live and visit.
Letter from Chief Crouse:
As Chief of the New Sharon Fire & Rescue Department I extend a warm welcome to you. Our main goal in the New Sharon area is to do what we can to assist you in preventing property damage & injury. We hope to heighten your awareness of safety measures that you can take in order to prevent suffering unnecessary losses. We also want you to know that we are a group of community volunteers that are well trained and prepared to assist you in the unfortunate event that you suffer a loss due to fire or succumb to a physical ailment that requires professional assistance.
Mahaska Health is a thriving medical campus providing services from birth to end-of-life, and everything in between – including emergency care, outpatient services, classes, support groups, and elective and preventive healthcare. For more information, please visit:
Barnes City is a volunteer fire department made up of community members that volunteer their time to help the community in times of need.
The structure of homeland security and emergency management in Iowa begins with the governor, who holds the responsibility for protecting Iowa’s citizens. The governor appoints the Iowa homeland security advisor and the director of the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD). The HSEMD director serves as the state administrative agent for grants administered by the federal government.
Helping people before, during, and after disasters.
The Iowa Emergency Management Association exists to advance the professional interests of its members and to assist Iowans in preserving life and protecting property in the face of any hazard.
Safeguard Iowa Partnership is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation whose mission is to better position Iowa and Iowans to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from all types of disasters through the collaboration of private sector business and public sector agencies.
Does your agency need training? We can help you to be #mahaskaready. Click below to see upcoming training events.